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Version: 4.0

Get App List

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/appmgr/v2/apps
Query parameter
  • appType: Required array of strings. Get data of the set type of applications in business designer. If set type does not exist, an empty list is returned.
  • current: Required integer. Current page number, starting from 1.
  • pageSize: Required integer. Items on the page, default is 20 and the maximum is 100.
Header parameter

Accept-Language: Default is the server language. Options are en-us and zh-cn.

  • 200: Successful.
"list": [
"appId": "App_9b04f4ae960146eaa3f2e82a39e757f5",
"icon": "/api/image/download?fileName=2021-11-02/1635867899321/App_9b04f4ae960146eaa3f2e82a39e757f5.jpg",
"appName": "test1",
"name": "test_1",
"appType": "ide",
"appVersion": "1.0.0",
"vendorName": "zhangsan"
"appId": "App_2df207739b1c49158eff72ec1f89dca5",
"icon": "/api/image/download?fileName=2021-11-02/1635867899409/App_2df207739b1c49158eff72ec1f89dca5.jpg",
"appName": "test2",
"name": "test_2",
"appType": "ide",
"appVersion": "1.0.0",
"vendorName": "lisi"
"pagination": {
"total": 2,
"pageSize": 20,
"current": 1
  • 400
"code": 100122000,
"message": "APP type cannot be empty"
    • 100122001: Current page number cannot be empty.
    • 100122002: Page size cannot be empty.
    • 100122003: Current page number cannot be less than 1.
    • 100122004: Page size cannot be smaller than 1.
    • 100122005: Page size cannot be larger than 100.